From Janet’s new book – Sandcastles – Tools for letting go of the addiction and the pain of the past
Tired of yoyo dieting and falling off the wagon? There is no magic
bullet for curing addiction–it’s about doing the work, and Janet Stegman can
help. After 35 years experience with 12-Step programs and extensive study
in healing modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique and Inner Child
Work, Janet has healed herself of addiction and is now ready to help you
with her 12-Step Graduate Program. Janet does not have a treat-the-
symptom band-aid type of approach: her method permanently removes your
addiction through finding the cause and solving the problem once and for all,
and you get your life back. Rather than constantly struggling and being a
“recovering addict”, Janet helps you get to the cause of your addiction and
dismantle it.