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Covid takes it’s toll

It was a small but dedicated crowd that turned out for the ribbon cutting ceremony of the
revamped World Headquarters of Lesthebookcoach. The Covid pandemic took its toll and people stayed
away instead of risking the deadly infection The HQ does in fact have a new look with a fresh coat of
paint and the desk in a different place.

Okay, the truth is that I had my office painted and moved my desk closer to the window, but that
is pretty boring. While I was cleaning up I found a piece of ribbon I had brought home from the book
launch and grand opening of the Early Ford Foundation Museum in Indian. I am sure that I had a reason
for bringing it home at the time but what ever it was has gone by the wayside, and it served well for the
ribbon cutting ceremony at my office door.

There are several other things that left the building during the process and had me wondering
why I had brought them home in the first place but they are gone now.

Covid did not really impact the numbers on hand, I never planned to have more people, the lady
in the living room who was watching the Voice saved me from taking a selfie by actually offering to take
the picture of me cutting the ribbon, and even though you can not see it, I do have a chair in the office in
case a client would come by. We have lived here 6 years and I am still waiting for the first client to
actually show up and come into my office.

I have had clients from across the continent and a couple from Europe but they all arrive via
Skype and travel costs are a lot less than they would be other wise.

Covid has had an impact on my business – I could no longer find an excuse to be away and not
have time and actually had to clean up my office and threw a few things away. A few books have been
dispersed but none of the really great B-ones. You know dealing with either Beer or Baseball. They fall
into the untouchable category.

I was able to part with that desk calendar for 2018, that is a year that won’t be coming back so
out goes the calendar.

I am sure that I am not the only one that has a few things that could make their way out the door,
it was not easy at the time but trust me, it was worth it. Who knew that I had that colour of carpet but
there it is. I am looking forward to the new and improved work space, and I want to thank you for helping
me celebrate (if you have read this far).

Thanks, sorry can’t have you come by for coffee, but you can send me a not on Facebook.


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