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Where should I write?

The answer to this a lot like, when should I write? It depends on you, what is available and what works
for you. I can tell you what works for me, but you may not have a similar space or you might not work
well in this type of space.

I am fortunate enough to have a dedicated office in my home, it has a door that closes and keeps out
most of the world, it has a window that allows me at least an obstructed view of the lake and in the fall a
neighbor’s maple tree provides a palate of colors that inspires imagination.

Some people like to work in a coffee shop surrounded by the bustle. I prefer to be isolated to
concentrate on the task at hand. Some people compose well over their phones. I had one client type his
entire manuscript on his phone. I prefer my desktop and find even a laptop keyboard a bit small. I know it
is the same size but in my mind it’s much smaller. The point is that you have to be comfortable in the
space and for me reducing the amount of distraction helps.

Writing is work and if you are going to do it well and in a productive timely manner I find it best to
have a clean work space to get down to business.


Having said that, I also enjoy writing my ideas by long hand in a moleskin notebook. For me there is
nothing better than a good pen touching good paper scribbling ideas and working out a structure for a new
book. I write only on the right hand side of the page and leave the left hand side for scribbles, doodles and
anything else that comes along. That may not be the best for you but it works for me.

What is important is that you find a place you are comfortable in, a place that you will have access to
most times. This allows you to sit down and get into writing mode much more quickly. When you are not
busy chasing squirrels this space will help you get to the business at hand, which is putting words on the
paper because that is all that writing is, putting words on that paper. You cannot edit a blank page so the
sooner you get some words on it the sooner you can start to improve you product.

Much of the process is about being comfortable in your station, do it at the same time of day, do it in the
same place, and do it because you want to. When you eliminate the distractions and the feeling of guilt
that you should be doing something else, you will be much more productive.

Remember Francis from a couple of weeks ago, well look across the desk and see Francis where ever
you are. Write something that speaks to Francis.

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