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When should I write?

For me the answer is easy. Write first thing in the morning. I realize that it may not be the correct
answer for everyone, since some are not morning people and for them the best time is at night. It depends
on the individual. The important point is that you have to find the time that is right for you.

This question usually follows or is followed by a statement about not having the time to write. That
answer is much easier. Making writing a priority and you will find the time. I do not watch TV and I limit
my time on social media. By cutting down time watching tv, it is amazing how much time is freed up to
write. I do admit that I’m not as great in the pop culture category of Trivia as some of my friends are but
that is the only downside to sacrificing television. The benefits far outweigh the cost in my mind.

A book coach I know recommends keeping log of your productivity at different times to focus on the
most productive time. She suggests a time log of words and amount of time spent for every time you sit
down. Words per Minute (WPM) was something we needed in High School typing class not something
that is a requirement for writing a book in my mind. Yet, it might be something you want to try and find
out when you’re most productive. My guess is that you probably know that intuitively.


Having said that, I know that I can generate 500 words in half an hour. Twenty years of freelancing
have taught me that, you may not be there yet so don’t use that as a bench mark and keep in mind editing
is extra and requires more time.

The most important thing about finding the time and being productive is to make it regular. You need to
schedule a time to do this and make it a part of your day. Over the years I have found many clients view
our weekly call as a deadline and get a chapter written the night before. When I suggest they could submit
it earlier, they usually admit, it only got done the day before because of the looming deadline.

Schedule a time to write and it won’t be long before it becomes a welcome part of your day – you will
miss it when you don’t write – trust me on this one. It is not a punishment but an enjoyable activity. Some
would say the same about going to the gym, I cannot.

It is also good to have a place where you are comfortable writing although it is not critical that you are
always in the same place, life today does not allow that.

Just carve out the time, it may mean getting up a bit earlier, or giving up TV, but I promise the rewards
are worth the effort, even if you don’t know what happened on Friends this week. Yes it has been that
long since I watched TV.

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